Is AR paving the way for the next quantum leap in Learning & Development?

AR in Learning and Development
The last decade has seen Extended Reality solutions permeate and gather better acceptance in the Learning and Development community. Traditional Learning & Development solutions provide a linear approach to learning. Augmented Reality (AR) is different with its exploratory learning approach. AR builds upon traditional learning and development models and piques the curiosity of the learner to interact with the provided content and learning materials.
Augmented Reality in Learning
Does everyone learn at the same pace?
While all learners are not the same, the learning material is the same. AR provides the learners with the unique advantage to choose their own learning pace and can start from anywhere in the learning curve. This advantage, coupled with the immersive, engaging, and collaborative content will prove to be a blessing for Learning and Development professionals and the learning community at large.
AR positively enhances the learner's engagement rate with its interactive medium. As per a report from Neuro-Insights magazine, an AR activity triggers high cognitive activity as against a typical non-AR activity. Typically, an AR activity triggers high cognitive levels as high as 45 percent more than what a person would experience while watching mainstream television or while browsing the internet.
AR Activity
How is Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve relevant to learning new skills?
Ebbinghaus' famous, Forgetting Curve states that memory loss is exponential after learning any new skill and asks for reinforced learning as an antidote to the loss of learning. In simple words, human beings start losing their memory and knowledge of any newly acquired skill. It is just a matter of time before the entire knowledge is lost. To stop memory loss, one has to review the newly acquired knowledge constantly over a period of weeks, months, and years. This explains the adage, "Practice makes a man perfect!"
Explaratory Learning Approach
How can custom AR help in learning and development? 
Custom AR solutions with their "exploratory learning approach" can provide the much-needed engagement levels while reducing the overall time to learn new skills and deeply enhancing retention levels. Exploratory learning is the approach where students explore learning on their own instead of being led on a one-road-suits-all approach. This does not mean that students are let on their own into the wilderness. On the contrary, custom Augmented Reality solutions are created wherein the learner is carefully guided with modules and the learner "explores" each activity and allied set of tasks. 
How will AR pave the way for the next quantum leap in Learning and Development? 
With the "exploratory learning approach" piques the curiosity of a learner and allows him to rapidly and actively consume educational content, the high neural activity associated with AR activities empowers the learner to maximize their retention levels. In today's technology-driven era, a new tech stack or skill makes the rounds every other day and re-invention is the name of the game. With such crucial factors for success, it is in one's best interest to use any technology and skill to their advantage. And AR in learning and development is one such worthy, multifaceted tool in any L & D professional's arsenal. 
HoloPundits is an expert in crafting holistic AR and VR learning and development solutions. Having created custom immersive educational solutions for the higher education and the continuing professional education segment, we are aptly poised to help you. No matter at what stage of the learning journey you are in, HoloPundits can help you get that extra edge with our custom Learning and Development AR solutions for your enterprise needs.


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