Every Organization Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy

The ultimate goal of any business is growth, whether in finances, customer engagement, or any other facet of the organization. What every business owner is trying to do is grow the overall awareness of the company. They do this through strategic implementation of niche specific processes that help promote long term success. There are various tools that have been used for decades and even centuries, but right now, there is one tool that can eliminate the necessity for outdated practices- augmented reality (AR). Augmented reality is a comparatively new technology, first hitting mainstream notoriety in the late 2000's early 2010's, almost simultaneously with smart phones and tablets. Snapchat filters, Google Translate, Ikea Place, and Pokemon Go are all augmented reality apps that allow the user to interact virtually in a physical space. They're also excellent examples of how an augmented reality platform can be part of an effective AR strategy to drive business growth and con...