Augmented Reality: The Future of Education

How has the history of education evolved in recent times? With the invention of paper and the printing press, it became easy to communicate ideas, and the shelf-life of those ideas was extended from a few months to a few years . When the digital medium of transmission came of age, communication and, more importantly, education evolved and made the magic leap from print to digital and from 2D to 3D in the form of animations and online videos. The past few decades saw great strides happening in the field of online education in the form of interactive whiteboards and simulations, educational games, online blackboards, and classrooms permeating the educational sphere. Students transitioned from using traditional pen and paper to using online desktops and laptops with their keyboards, mice, and of late, mobile phones and tablets to get on the technological wave. These technological breakthroughs helped students and teachers to digitally communicate their ideas. However, any interaction...